This procedure describes the process of the Commercial Division which comprises the Frontline Services which includes the Billing and Collection system that are necessary in the water service delivery system of the Bulacan Water district (BWD) to continue in providing good relationship with the concessionaires of Bulakan, Bulacan.
General Policies:
Under Resolution No. 14 s. of 1989, the Board of Directors approved and issued the policies rules, and regulations governing the operations of the Bulacan Water District pursuant to Section 31, Chapter VII of the Presidential Decree (PD) 401, as amended and Batas Pambansa Blg. 876. Over the years, there has been great changes in environmental activities that requires amendments/revisions of the District’s policies and procedures, so It was amended under Board Resolution No. 0060 s. 2011.
Policies and Procedure as follows:
Any person, firm or office interested in having water supply service shall file an accomplished application for Service Form duly signed by the applicant and/or property owner of the premises where service is applied for. After
inspection and evaluation by the District that service line and water supply are available and upon payment of all fees by the applicant, a Service contract shall be executed by and between the applicant and the District’s General Manager, whereby the following are established, to wit:
1. Guarantee payment of all sums to become due for the water service furnished in pursuance of said application until notification to the district to discontinue or transfer such service.
2. Release the District from all responsibility and liabilities that may be caused by the water escaping from any pipe or appurtenance there to any point within said premises, as well as those arising from service
interruption due to the causes beyond the District’s control.
3. Be held responsible for any tampering of and damage to or loss of water and meter or allowing acts in violation of the existing utility laws, rules and regulations to said service connection, and;
4. Allow the District’s representatives to visit the premises and building served for purposes of reading and/or inspecting water meter, monitor water pressure, testing water quality, etc. in order to assure
the customer of potable water, fair billing and also as a means of enforcing the District’s rules and regulations.
1. Provide the highest quality of potable water and reliable service at all times at the most affordable possible cost.
2. Communicate with all registered concessionaires any and all changes in the District operational policies and practices.
3. Present to the water consuming public through a public hearing or public information, any change in its water rates and;
4. Be vigilant in monitoring, inspecting and prosecuting violations in the District’s Utility Rules and Regulations and Section 31 (d) of P.D. 198 as amended.
2. WATER BILLS – Water bills are due and payable at the office of the Water District after reading date.
For New Connections – Billings are made after fifteen (15) days that the service had been connected.
A concessionaire who pays after the due date shall be subject to one time TEN PERCENT (10 %) penalty on the current bill.
Service may be disconnected without further notice if payment of the water bill is not made on or before the due date.
However, for humanitarian considerations, an overdue account may be given five (5) days from the DUE DATE as “grace period” to give the concessionaire a last chance to pay and still enjoy an uninterrupted water service.
For Bills with High consumption – thorough inspection will take place before / after such billings. If it had been reported with leakages; for humanitarian consideration, the District may allow the Concessionaire to pay such bills on installment basis provided that they will pay their accounts within the agreed time period. If monthly payment has not been made, the District may disconnect such connection even without prior notice.
3. DISCONNECTION NOTICE ISSUANCE – disconnected service due to delinquency and/or violation of this set of Utility Rules and Regulations or policies of the District will not be turned on again until upon payment of all amounts due.
Failure to receive a bill does not relieve a customer of any liability. Any amount due shall be deemed a debt to the Water District, and any person, firm or corporation, failing, neglecting or refusing to pay said indebtedness shall be liable to a civil action in the name of said District, in any court of competent jurisdiction not only for the amount thereof but including costs of litigation.
For TCD (Temporarily Closed Down Accounts) – if payment has not been made after five (5) days of being temporarily disconnected, a demand letter will be issued to notify the concessionaire that they will be disconnected on the mainline.
***Concessionaires who will request for temporary disconnection of service will be advised to sign a form/contract indicating that requested temporary disconnection will be for a period not exceeding three (3) mos. And that after the said period their service will be disconnected from the mainline and will be considered as permanently disconnected and will pay the necessary reconnection fee.
4. SERVICE RECONNECTION – this is a reactivation of disconnected service due to the violation of any of the provisions of the Rules and Regulations of the District as well as its policies such as delinquency, tampering water theft, etc. Outstanding balance should be paid in full before such service will be reconnected.
For service reconnection (this is the reactivation of disconnected service due to violation of any provision of this rules and regulations and policies of the District) applicant shall first pay the District the schedule of fees and charges before reconnection could be undertaken.
5. REFUNDS AND ADJUSTMENTS – If for any reason a consumer becomes entitled to a refund such as for overpayment or other just case, a demand for refund of such overpayment shall be made by said consumer to the District, subject to approval of the Board or its delegated representative. Any proven overpayment may be credited to the concessionaires’ next billing account.
6. ILLEGAL CONNECTIONS – the following activities are considered illegal:
1. Any person, firm or corporation, taking premises and using water from an active source without having made an application.
2. Water service connection connected without an approved water service application and/or connected by persons other than the Water District staff.
3. Using or turning on again a disconnected connection without approval of the WD.
4. Relocating water meter without approval of the WD.
5. Using water other than as specified on the contract.
6. Using “by pass connection” whereby water does not pass the meter.
7. Meter tampering or using jumpers or other devices whereby water is stolen.
8. Allowing other persons or establishments to connect to his service connection without the approval of the WD.
9. Giving water through water hose or other water conduit.
10. Using jetmatic pump or booster directly after the pipeline, Jetmatic pump or booster is allowed if installed and placed through sump tank.
Tampering of District Property – No one except an employee or representative of the WD shall, at any time and in any manner, operate the curb cocks or valves of the Wd’s system, or interfere with meters or their connections, street mains or other parts of the water system. Anyone caught stealing water through the aforesaid tampering and illegal connections as enumerated above, shall pay a fine of P 2,000.00 to P 10,000.00 and a consumption assessment corresponding to the cost of water stolen and its opportunity cost, and/or be imprisoned for a period of sixty (60) months to six (6) years per section 31 of PD 198, as amended.
7. Granting of Five percent (5%) discount on the monthly utilization of water by households
with Senior Citizens.
Pursuant to the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 994 also known as the “Expanded Senior Citizen Act of 2010”, an act granting additional benefits and privileges to Senior Citizens Article 12 – Utility Discounts, Section 1, state the granting of a minimum of five percent ( 5%) discount relative to the monthly utilization of water and electricity by households with senior citizens provided the meters are registered in the
name of the Senior Citizen residing therein; that the monthly consumption does not exceed thirty cubic meters (30 m3) of water; that the privilege is granted per household regardless of the number of Senior Citizen residing therein. To avail of the discount under this Section, the Senior Citizen shall:
1. Apply for the discount personally or thru a representative. There shall be annual renewal of application to the utility provider.
2. Submit requirements:
a.) Proof of age and citizenship.
b.) Proof of Billing, Meter registration should be in the name of the senior
citizen for a period of one year.
c.) Proof of Residence.
Billing and Collection
Basic Features
Meter Reading
1. Water meters are read monthly in each service area on scheduled dates. Readings are indicated on the Meter Reading Forms. Services in a service area are grouped to achieve a system whereby water meters of an area are read within a period of one day, after taking into account the average number of water meters which can be read in a day’s time.
2. Any service defects complained are reported in a Service request and those that are not are reported in a Maintenance Order form. The Maintenance Order is also used to initiate action on routinary maintenance and testing of installed water meters.
3. The Meter Readers informs the concessionaire of the amount consumed and its corresponding peso cost. Any material fluctuation in the consumption should be investigated by making a second reading while still on the site.
4. Meter Reading forms are forwarded to the Billing clerk for the encoding of the meter readings to the Billing and collection system for the printing and issuance of the Statement of Account.
5. The Statement of Accounts are forwarded to the Meter Readers for distribution to the concessionaires.
Use of Account Numbers
An account number is used to identify each service connection as to location, consumer class, meter size and the concessionaire’s number. It also facilitates the tabulation or the recapitulation of certain data like the breakdown of the annual metered billings for each customer class and meter size, which is useful in a rate study.
The account number consists of nine digits (0000-00-000). The first two digits represents the zone number, the third digit, the Reading book number and the fourth, consumer classification code, the fifth, the meter size code; and the last three digits represents the concessionaire account number.
Concessionaires in each Meter Reading Book will be numbered consecutively from number 001 taking into consideration potential concessionaires within the service area including the vacant lots which will be reserved with a corresponding account number.
The assignments of the account numbers to the various service connections should be done in such a way as to facilitate the meter reading and the posting of the meter reading and consumption to the Billing and Collection system.
In the “zoning” of the service area, meter reading should avoid crisscrossing of streets if possible. To determine the most ideal number of zones a service area should be divided, the following should be considered: a.) Size of the service area. b.) Concentration for service connection. c.) Number of Meter Readers. d.) Growth rate of the Water District, and e.) Average number of connections that could be covered per day by the Meter Readers.
In order to keep track of existing account numbers and to control the numbers of concessionaires in each Meter Reading Forms, a Master list of Service connections should be maintained.
1. Water bills or the Statement of Accounts are prepared not later than the day prior to the meter reading. Water bills prepared for concessionaires belonging to one zone should be checked for completeness against the total number of active connections. Any discrepancy especially regarding the records of the temporary disconnected accounts (TCD) should be investigated.
2. An itemized Daily Billing Summary report is prepared for all completed water bills issued during the day. This report which is prepared by the Billing clerk shows the individual billings (consumption in cu. meters, amount and penalty charges). A late payment collection charges equivalent to 10% (penalty) of the billed amount will be added to the amount of outstanding bill by the Billing clerk for water bills which are not paid on due date.
3. Adjustments are made for the contested bills after such investigation has been made and water meters are found defective. Any adjustment in billings is prepared by the Billing clerk approved by the Commercial Division’s Department Manager.
1. The collection of water bills is done at the District’s office. Water bills collected are validated and Official receipts are issued to concessionaires as proof for their payments. Original copy of the Official Receipts will be given to them while the duplicate will serve as the office copy.
2. The due date of the monthly bills of a particular zone is indicated on the copies of the Statement of Accounts for the information of the concessionaires and as reference for the imposition of the penalty charges.
3. Total collections of water bills are remitted daily by the Office collectors/tellers to the Cashier. All remittances and other miscellaneous collections received by the Cashier directly from the payors are issued a corresponding official receipt by the Cashier. The total collections are deposited intact the following banking day.
4. All cash accountable employees such as the Billing clerk. Office Collectors/Tellers and Cashier as cash custodian, are covered by an adequate amount of fidelity bond.
Service Application / Reconnection
Detailed Procedure
Customer Service Assistant
1. Receives request for a service application from service applicant.
2. The Customer Service Assistant (CSA) notes down applicant’s name and address; verifies against record as to whether or not applicant has any outstanding account with the District. If applicant is applying for a reconnection of a service previously closed due to delinquency, require concessionaire to settle the old account and pay the necessary fees and charges.
3. Ask applicant to fill out SURVEY FORM.
4. Gives copy to the Customer service assistant assigned as the field inspector to survey the location of the propose service, verification and notations on adequacy and inadequacy of service applied for and the availability or non-availability of the applicant’s plumbing installation. The inspector will give the approved survey form to the applicant for payment of the application to the district.
5. The Customer Service Assistant (CSA) will verify the submitted documents required for the said application. If service applicant is a tenant of the lot or building, there must be a written authority from the building or lot owner as provided in the Service application and construction Order (SACO) authorizing the district to install the service connection in his premises as well as a commitment to pay the balances of unpaid water bills in case the concessionaire (applicant) defaults in his payment.
6. If service is adequate and ready for connection to the system, the CSA indicates amount of charges
due (Application fees / Reconnection fees and materials needed for the installation), requiring
applicant to sign a SERVICE CONTRACT assuming responsibility for the water passing through
the service connection. The CSA will present it to the Commercial Division’s Department Manager
and also of the District’s General Manager for approval. Prepares Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS)
for the materials needed for the service connection. Afterwards, the applicant will present it to the
Cashier for payment. The Storekeeper receives the RIS and prepares the materials and gives it to
the applicant.
7. The CSA will schedule the installation of the new service connection/reconnection.
8. After the installation of the service connection. The CSA receives the copy of the Connection order from the Water maintenance man. Records the newly installed service connection to the Billing and Collection System.
9. Assigns account number based on area where service is located.
10. Records Account Number and Meter Number in the Service Application and Construction Order
Maintenance Man
1. Receives Connection Order from the Customer Service assistant, signed by the Commercial Division’s Department Manager and the District’s General Manager.
2. Goes to service location and install the service connection, fills up the Connection Order indicating there on the date of installation. Meter number, initial meter reading.
3. Forwards the signed Connection Order by the new concessionaire to the Customer service assistant after service installation.
Service Disconnection
Detailed Procedure
Customer Service Assistant
1. Based on the Ageing of Accounts Receivable and the disconnection policy of the Water district, prepares Disconnection Order for service disconnection of delinquent account.
2. Forwards all copies of Disconnection Order to the Commercial Division’s Department Manager for approval.
3. Receives copies of approved disconnection orders from the Dept. Manager for disconnection of delinquent accounts.
4. Records copies of approved disconnection orders in the logbook for control purposes.
5. Sends all copies of disconnection Orders to the Maintenance man for execution.
6. Receives copies of accomplished Disconnection Orders from the Maintenance man.
7. Records accomplished Disconnection orders in the logbook.
8. Files the Disconnection Orders for safekeeping.
Maintenance man
1. Receives from the Customer Service Assistant copies of the disconnection Orders.
2. Disconnect the services: indicate the last meter reading and date of disconnection.
3. Delivers the water meters to the Storekeeper, who prepares the Property Accountability Receipt for the meters received.
Meter Reading
Detailed Procedures
Meter Reader
1. Based on the schedule for the area assignment during the period, receives from the Billing Clerk the Meter Reading Forms (Master lists of name, account no. address and meter numbers of concessionaires to be read).
2. Reads meters and indicates the readings on the Meter Reading Forms.
3. Observes the condition of the service connection and watches out for any service defect; ensures that district regulations are not violated.
4. Receives complains from concessionaires on defects of the service connection and conducts preliminary investigations. If the defects need further corrections or repairs, indicates the defect in the “Remarks” section of the Meter Reading form. This will be accompanied by a Maintenance
Order/Service Request. This will also be used to initiate actions on routinary maintenance of installed water meters.
5. Upon completion of the reading for one Meter Reading Book, submits it to the Billing Clerk for encoding to the Billing and collection system.
Detailed Procedures
Billing Clerk
1. Receives daily from Meter Reader the Meter Reading Forms with meter readings. Take note the remarks if any.
2. Posts the meter readings to the Billing and collection system.
3. Check the meter reading proof list to ensure the correctness of the posting of meter readings.
4. Prepares/Prints the Statement of Accounts or the water bills. Wherein all the other charges, if any, are indicated including the suppose penalty charges for late payment.
5. Posts to the Customer’s Ledger card.
6. Forward the Statement of Account to the Meter Readers for distribution.
7. One day after due date, posts the penalty charges to the Customer ledger cards.
8. Prepares an itemized Daily Billing Summary Report, The Billing Summary report should include the breakdown of metered sales which shows the total consumption in cubic meters, the amount of metered sales and the number of concessionaires.
Office Collection of Water Bills
Detailed Procedures
Office Collector/Teller
1. Receives payment from concessionaires, counts money and compares with total charges shown on the bill or total amount due, in the case of overdue bill.
An Official Receipt is issued as proof of payment. The original copy will be issued to the concessionaire while the duplicate copy will serve as the office copy.
2. Prepares a Daily collector’s Report, showing breakdown of collection into current, arrears (including penalty charges) of current and previous years and other charges. Bills collected on or before due date are considered “current”.
Any partial payment (for concessionaires with leakage and demand letters) is to be credited to arrears first with any remaining balance credited to the current billing.
3. Counts collection for the day and compares the total amount with that reported in the Daily Collector’s Report. Turns over the collections and submits all the copies of the report of the paid Official Receipts to the Cashier.
Service Maintenance and Concessionaire’s Complaints
Detailed Procedures
Customer Service Assistant
1. Receives all complaints at the office directly from concessionaires.
2. Prepares Maintenance Order (MO) /Service Request (SR) based on complaints of concessionaires filed at the office regarding defective water meters, leakages and other concessionaire’s complaints.
3. Prepares MO/ SR separately to initiate the routinary maintenance of water meters which need servicing and to initiate reconnections, meter test, etc.
4. Informs concessionaire that a service investigation will be made to determine and correct any defect. Signs the Service Request.
5. Secures approval of prepared maintenance orders/service request from the Commercial division’s Dept. Manager.
6. Records MO/SR in the logbook; thereafter forwards all MO/SR to the Water Maintenance Man for execution.
7. Receives from the Water Maintenance Man the served MO/SR.
8. Records these accomplished MOs/SRs in the logbook.
9. Records last reading of meters removed and initial readings of the replacements and date of replacement in the Billing and Collection system.
10. Files Maintenance Orders and Service Requests.
Maintenance Man
1. Receives Maintenance Order/Service request for the Customer Service Assistant every morning.
2. Goes to service location and performs assigned job; fills out MO/SR completely, especially for readings of meters being removed and/or installed as replacements. Makes notes of unusual observations.
Defects or complaints which need prior investigation at the site before they can be corrected should be referred to the investigator, the Water Maintenance Man should handle identified defects which need repair or correction.
The logbook should show the data on the concessionaire’s name, nature of complaints, date when the MO/SR was prepared, and date when it was completed.
3. Proceeds with the correction of the service defects; asks the concessionaire or representative to acknowledge the repairs or corrective action taken by signing on the MO/SR.
4. Submits to the Customer Service assistant served MO/SR. The Maintenance Orders for water meters which are dismounted for testing purposes should be filled –out on tests results before Maintenance Order/Service Request are forwarded to the Customer Service assistant and the water meters turned-over to the Storekeeper for safekeeping.
Forms and Records:
1. Survey Form ( for new water service applicants)
2. Checklist of Requirements
3. Service Application and Construction Order (SACO)
4. Service Contract
5. Connection Order
6. Disconnection Order
7. Maintenance Order
8. Service Request
9. Statement of Accounts (SOA)/ Water Bill
10. Official Receipts
11. Application for Senior Citizen Discounts
12. Temporary Closed down
13. Promissory Note
14. Advice Form
15. Reading Form
16. Requisition and Issue slip (RIS) – Materials
Survey Form – a form used by the field Inspector about a new service application indicating whether the
location is adequate to have a water service connection. It contained the following information.
1. Name of the applicant
2. Address and Date
3. Contact No.
4. Landmark ( nearest household with connection)
5. Type of service – new, transfer, reconnection
6. Fees
7. List of Materials needed
8. Documentary requirements
9. Responsible personnel – Customer Service Asst.
Checklist of Requirements: For new connections
1. Land title/ Deed of Sale
2. Special Power of Attorney (SPA) for contract signing and authorization letter to transact
3. Photocopy of one (1) valid I.D.
4. Permit from the Dept. of Public Works and Highways DPWH/Provincial Engineering Office
(PEO) for crossroad (concrete cutter usage).
5. Barangay certification/clearance (for those without land title or any legal document to attest their
6. Grant of Right of way.
7. Barangay excavation permit.
Service Application and Construction Order (SACO) – indicates an assessment of fees.
1. Name of the applicant
2. Address
3. Location (sketch)
4. Fees and charges with Official Receipt No. and date
5. Personnel who assisted the applicant
6. Persons approving the application
7. Acct. No.
8. Meter No.
Service Contract – a document binding the service provider and the new service applicant.
1. Name of the owner of the connection
2. Address
3. Account No.
4. Fees and charges
5. Rules and Regulations of the Water District
Connection Order – a form indicating the tapping/reconnection of the service.
1. Connection Order Seq. No.
2. Date
3. Acct. Name
4. Address
5. Acct. No.
6. Meter No.
7. Types of service (tapping, re-open, reconnection, transfer of connection)
8. Responsible personnel ( signatures)
9. Action Taken/ Job description
10. Concessionaire’s name and signature
11. Time and date of execution
Disconnection Order – a form which is use to disconnect a Temporary closed account or a delinquent
1. Disconnection order seq. no.
2. Date
3. Acct. Name
4. Acct. No.
5. Meter No. and last reading
6. Nature of disconnection (TCD, Mainline, and Request)
7. Responsible Personnel
8. Action Taken
9. Materials ( surrendered to office/owner)
10. Concessionaire’s signature
11. Time and date of execution
Maintenance Order – a form use to repair a certain service connection due to leaks, check it’s service line
for the cause of low, high and no consumption.
1. Maintenance Order No.
2. Date
3. Acct. Name
4. Acct. No.
5. Meter No.
6. Address
7. Services
8. Responsible personnel
9. Action Taken
10. Concessionaire’s Signature
Service Request – a form use whenever there is a concessionaire’s complaint with their consumption or
meter status.
1. Service Request No.
2. Date
3. Acct. Name
4. Acct. No.
5. Meter No.
6. Address
7. Services
8. Responsible personnel
9. Action Taken
10. Concessionaire’s Signature
Statement of Accounts – concessionaire’s monthly billing statements.
1. Acct. No.
2. Acct. Name
3. Address
4. Readings ( previous, present, consumption)
5. Due date
6. Meter No.
7. Billing Month
8. Amount to be paid ( Bill and other charges if any)
9. Reminders ( at the back)
Official Receipt – a form issue as proof of payment of the concessionaire.
1. Acct. No.
2. Acct. Name
3. Date
4. Payment
5. Specified mo.
6. Teller’s name
Application for Senior Citizen discount ( 5%) – a form use in applying for a discount for accounts under
a Senior Citizen’s name.
1. Name
2. Address
3. Date of Birth
4. Acct. No.
5. Senior Citizen I.D. No.
6. Requirements submitted
7. Condition in availing the discount
8. Signature and Date
9. Responsible personnel who assisted the SC
Condition in availing the discount:
1. The Senior citizen must be a resident of the household
2. Consumption should not exceed 30 cubic meters.
3. This is granted by household regardless of the number of Senior Citizen.
4. Meter registration should be the name of the Senior citizen for a period of one year.
5. This application must be renewed annually.
1. Application form
2. Valid citizen ID
3. Water Bill bearing the name of the Senior citizen
4. Authorization letter, if applying through a representative
5. Any valid ID of the representative.
Request for Temporary Closed down Form – for concessionaires’ who may want to have their
connections close for a short period of time.
1. Concessionaire’s name
2. Address
3. Account no.
4. Meter No.
5. Concessionaire’s signature
6. Personnel who assisted the request
-This request is for a period of 3 months, after this period lapsed the concessionaire may notify the district for continuous temporary close of his/her water connection.
Promissory Note (Concessionaire’s with Demand letters and Leakage instalment) – a form use when a certain concessionaire request to extend the grace period of paying his/her due accounts.
1. Account Name and Acct. No.
2. Address
3. Acct. No. and Meter No.
4. Date
5. Responsible Personnel
6. Signature
Advice Form (violation from the rules and regulations of the Water District) – a form indicating the violation done by the concessionaire whether or not it is his/her fault.
1. Advice No.
2. Date (Issuance and Expiration)
3. Acct. name
4. Acct. No.
5. Meter No.
6. Type of violation
7. Amount (depends on the violation)
Reading Form – a form use by the meter readers in the monthly reading of water meters.
1. Date
2. List of concessionaires with Acct. No. Address and Meter No.
3. Readings
4. Remarks (no, low, high consumption or any other concern with the meter situation)
5. Name of Meter Reader
Requisition and Issue Slip (RIS) for materials and fittings – a form use in requesting for the materials
and fittings needed in the service connection/mainline pipe.
1. Division Responsible for the request
2. RIS No.
3. Date
4. Particulars (list of materials and quantity)
5. Purpose of the request
6. Personnel (requested, approved and who issued the materials)